Booking request

We are at your disposal for your request!

Send us a non-binding booking request for your wishes now.

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Book here at the BEST-price
and get the an upgrade to a better room category, if available.
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Solve the following task: Which number is bigger, 27 or 14?Please enter the solution as a number. (Example: Which number is smaller, 3 or 5? Solution: 3) The result was not correct!
Note: Your data will be treated strictly confidential
* Required
Self-Check-In - easy as that
Your CHECK IN, or arrival is via the key box, so you can arrive from 13:00 24/7.
  1. You will receive your access code for the key box on the day of arrival by email + SMS. Enter the received code at the key box, then you will receive your key by ejection chute.
  2. On the key you will find an explanation of where your room is and your wifi code.
  3. ATTENTION: If you have not received the code, you must ask for the access data to the key box before your arrival!